Developing of Ispring Quiz Maker as an Evaluation Media in the Pragmatics Course

Hima Roiku Dinia, Hima, Chadijah Qubra Lubis, Chadijah, MOH ZAWAWI, ZAWAWI ORCID:, Umi Machmudah, Umi Machmudah, Miftahul Huda, Miftah and Muhammad Hauzan Ariq Lubis, Hauzan (2024) Developing of Ispring Quiz Maker as an Evaluation Media in the Pragmatics Course. Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 7 (1). pp. 83-98. ISSN 2622-7371, 2622-738X

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This research aimed to determining the suitability of iSpring Quiz Maker as an evaluation media in the Arabic Language and Literature pragmatics course at UIN Malang, understanding the response of students' interest in using iSpring Quiz Maker as an evaluation medium in the Arabic Language and Literature pragmatics course at UIN Malang, and knowing the effectiveness of using iSpring Quiz Maker as an evaluation medium in the Arabic Language and Literature pragmatics course at UIN Malang. The method used in this research is research and development (R & D) by applying the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The results of this research show: (1) iSpring Quiz Maker is declared very suitable for use as a medium for evaluating pragmatic courses based on the assessment of material expert validators and media expert validators; (2) Student responses are quite interested in using iSpring Quiz Maker as a medium for evaluating pragmatic courses; (3) iSpring Quiz Maker is effective as a pragmatic course evaluation medium because the percentage of the total number of students who get an exam score ≤ 50 is 26.3%, while the percentage of the total number of students who get an exam score > 50 is 73.7%.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Arabic language; learning; evaluation media; iSpring Quiz Maker; pragmatic
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1301 Education Systems > 130103 Higher Education
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities > Department of Arabic Language and Letters
Depositing User: Mohammad mohammad Zawawi
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2024 09:24


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