Al-Qur'an surah as Syu'ara verse 7 shows that Allah SWT grew many good and advantages plants, such as microalgae Chlorella sp. Chlorella sp. are contained some secondary metabolites, such as steroid compounds. Purpose of this research is to know toxicity levels and antioxidant activity steroid compound of chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions from hydrolyzed methanol extract of microalgae Chlorella sp. Cultivation is conducted on a laboratory scale using Sprouts Extract Medium (SEM) 4% and harvesting conducted every 10th day. Dry Chlorella sp. biomass was macerated using methanol solvent. The extract then hydrolyzed with 2 N of HCl and partitioned with chloroform, then the separation using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Isolates conducted toxicity tests using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) and antioxidant activity test with the DPPH method. The toxicity test showed that TLC steroid isolates of chloroform fraction had LC50 values 8.796 (C1), 8.53 (C4) and 4.53 ppm (C5). The antioxidants test showed that TLC steroid isolates of chloroform fraction had had a value of EC50 is 2.26 1019 (C1) 163.10 ppm (C4) and 38.96 ppm (C5). Identification of steroid compounds with UV-VIS spectrophotometer has a maximum wavelength of 250.50, 270.5 and 281 nm. Identification with FTIR showed functional groups C=O (carbonyl), C-O (ether), -C(CH3)2 (geminal dimethyl), C=C and = CH (alkenes) attributed to steroid compounds.
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