Punden Dorowati revitalization as the ancestor’s heritage of Rejosari Village, Bantur, Malang Society

Basri, Hasan, Erwhintiana, Ifi and Al Anshory, Abdul Muntaqim (2021) Punden Dorowati revitalization as the ancestor’s heritage of Rejosari Village, Bantur, Malang Society. Presented at The International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts 2020 (INUSHARTS 2020), 29 Sep 2020, Universitas Indonesia.

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Fanatic behavior in religiosity has driven society to behave strictly in current days by ruling out religious interpretations. Meanwhile, it is needed in reality. Our social life has more important things than religious rhetoric. It is the culture that creates a feeling of God present in every movement. Thus, a group of society in Rejosari Village, Bantur, Malang attempts to reborn those feelings through a sacred place named punden. However, this phenomenon results in misconceptions for another group who see it as an abnormal practice. This issue attracts the researcher to study punden as one of the ancestor’s cultural, spiritual, and religious perspectives. This study aims to present punden existence on its role as the ancestor’s heritage and describe punden function for religious, cultural, and contemporary society. This study is a descriptive qualitative with a phenomenology approach. The researcher uses interviews and documentation to collect data; meanwhile, validity data is discussed with fellows and experts. Furthermore, the researcher uses Creswell’s model as an analysis data technique. The results show that punden’s role as the ancestors’ heritage keeps on a dynamic process. There are escalations and degradation of society awareness towards punden, which is essential for religious, cultural, and contemporary society.

Item Type: Conference (Paper)
Keywords: ancestor’s heritage; culture; punden; religion
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2002 Cultural Studies > 200299 Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities > Department of Arabic Language and Letters
Depositing User: abdul muntaqim al anshory
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2022 12:04


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