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Menciptakan siswa berkarakter Islami di era digital melalui pembiasaan kegiatan keagamaan di MINU Sumberpasir

Wiranegara, Dian Arsitades, Jariyah, Ainun, Alfaruq, Ahmad Toyyib, Basmalah, Avi, Attaulah, Lazuardi Fuad and Musbikhah, Sabitatul (2023) Menciptakan siswa berkarakter Islami di era digital melalui pembiasaan kegiatan keagamaan di MINU Sumberpasir. Community Service Report. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. (Submitted)

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The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the habituation of religious activities in MINU Sumberpasir students which can create Islamic character in their students in the digital era. In designing this study researchers used a qualitative approach. In this study the researchers involved and were directly involved in the research site in collecting and analyzing data. The object of study in this research is MINU Sumberpasir. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation and interview techniques. The results of this study indicate that MINU Sumberpasir can create Islamic character for its students by habituating religious activities in this digital era. This can be seen from the intense religious activities carried out by MINU Sumberpasir students. Habituation activities are carried out to familiarize students with these things. By habituating religious activities, schools can realize their goal of producing graduates with Islamic character.

Item Type: Community Service
Keywords: education character; Islamic education
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1301 Education Systems > 130102 Early Childhood Education
Divisions: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training > Department of Islamic Early Childhood Education
Depositing User: dian arsitades wiranegara
Date Deposited: 24 Nov 2023 11:31


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