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Upaya Ibn Rusyd mempertemukan agama dan filsafat

Soleh, Achmad Khudori ORCID: (2011) Upaya Ibn Rusyd mempertemukan agama dan filsafat. Jurnal Ushuluddin: Media Dialog Pemikiran Islam, 15 (1). pp. 135-152. ISSN 1411-2140

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This article investigates Ibnu Rushd’s attempt to reconcile the dichotomy of religion and philosophy, revelation and reason. At least, there are three ways to deal with it: Firstly, providing a different task area for revelation and reason. Revelation is associated with metaphysical issues and information about life in the hereafter, whereas ratio is related to physical problems and modern life. Secondly, reconciling the methods used to, according to Ibn Rushd, the rational method of burhani (demonstrative) used in the philosophical sciences can also be used to analyze the religious sciences. Likewise, the primary premises can be generated not only by rational analysis but also by the texts of revelation so that the results of spiritual analysis are as valid as philosophical rational analysis. Thirdly, by integrating the goals of achievement, revelation and reason, religion and philosophy are both invited and want to reach the truth; if faith and philosophy have the same goal, that is the truth. The truth one can not be in contradiction with the other truth.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Revelation – ratio - religion - philosophy – revelation - truth
Subjects: 22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2203 Philosophy
Divisions: Faculty of Psychology
Depositing User: Dr Achmad Khudori Soleh
Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2023 08:59


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