Khitab An Thufanul Aqsha fi Khabar Al-Jazeera Net: Dirasat Simyaiyyat Ijtima'iyyat

An Shori, Alam and Al Anshory, Abdul Muntaqim (2023) Khitab An Thufanul Aqsha fi Khabar Al-Jazeera Net: Dirasat Simyaiyyat Ijtima'iyyat. Presented at Mayada: al-Multaqa al-Ilmy al-Alamy lil-Dirasat al-Arabiyah, 2023, Pascasarjana UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

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View of خطاب عن طوفان الأقصى في خبر الجزيرة نت_ دراسة سيميائيّة اجتماعيّة.pdf

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The study about "Discourse of Thufanul Aqsha on Al Jazeera Net News: A Social Semiotic Study" is interesting for in-depth study. It was said that because the news of the Thufanul Aqsha was news that attracted the attention of all parties. The purpose of this writing is to understand two situations: 1.) To know the social context in Al Jazeera Net news about Thufanul Aqsha; 2.) How the Palestinian struggle exists. The method that's used is to study the references using a qualitative approach based on social semiotics, detail the data by reading news and articles, analyze it using the method of Huberman and Miles. We found two results in this research: 1.) The social context was found in Al Jazeera Net news about Thufanul Aqsha. 2.) Thufanul Aqsha as the presence of the struggle for Palestinian independence. The result of research is that the Thufanul Aqsha as the existence of struggle for Palestinian independence.

Item Type: Conference (Paper)
Keywords: Thufanul Aqsa,News,Social of Semiotic
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2004 Linguistics > 200409 Arabic Linguistics > 20040906 'Ilmu al-Ramziy (Arabic Semiotics)
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities > Department of Arabic Language and Letters
Depositing User: abdul muntaqim al anshory
Date Deposited: 05 Jun 2024 14:09


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