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A socio-pragmatics study: Flouting of conversational maxims found in Merjosari traditional market, Malang-Indonesia

Detrianto, Bagus and Degaf, Agwin (2017) A socio-pragmatics study: Flouting of conversational maxims found in Merjosari traditional market, Malang-Indonesia. Presented at Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra (Senabastra) IX, 16 Mei 2017, Universitas Trunojoyo Bangkalan.

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This paper focuses on the flouting of conversational maxim in one of traditional markets in Indonesia. However, it will more focus on the types of flouted maxims, and whether or not the flouted maxims cause misundestanding between the seller and the buyer in the trade interactions. The writer, in this paper, choose tje traditional market named Merjosari, which is located in Malang, East Java. Why the writers conduct the observation in this traditional market, is because this traditional market has a very strategic place, where is sorrounded by many state or even private universities. Therefore, the trade interaction may come from people which are from every city in Indonesia. Thus there are many cultural backgrounds factors which may influence the communication practices. Therefore, the maxims whic are flouted between the sellers and buyers in this traditional market becomes something very to be observed.

This observation is conducted by using a descriptive qualitative approach. Further, the theory which the writer used is based on the theory of Cooperative Principle, proposed by Paul Grice (1975), which establishes four maxims, those are Maxim of Quality, Maxim of Quantity, Maxim of Relation/Revance, and Maxim of Manner. In addition, the data for this observation are collected by listening to the conversation in trade transaction using tape recorder. Not only that, but the data also be collected by nting the conversation in papers, then the writers will transcript and type in the computer. The finding shows that the sellers or buyers are flouted all kind of maxims. However, it does cuase misunderstanding in conversational proactices in trade interaction at Merjosari traditional market.

Item Type: Conference (Paper)
Keywords: socio-pragmatics; flouting; maxim; trade-interaction; traditional market
Subjects: 20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2004 Linguistics > 200403 Discourse and Pragmatics > 20040302 Pragmatics - Conversational Implicature (incl. Hedging, Touting, Maxims of Conversation)
20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2004 Linguistics > 200403 Discourse and Pragmatics > 20040303 Pragmatics - Talk in Interaction
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities > Department of English Language and Letters
Depositing User: Dr. Agwin Degaf
Date Deposited: 08 Jun 2017 13:47


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