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Correlation Between The Level of Lp-PLA2, MDA, F2-Isp in Serum And Aortic Tissue With The Number of Foam Cells at Atherogenesis Process in Wistar Rats

Susilowati, Retno, Sargowo, Djanggan, Indra, Rasjad, Rasjad, Askandar and Widyarti, Sri (2012) Correlation Between The Level of Lp-PLA2, MDA, F2-Isp in Serum And Aortic Tissue With The Number of Foam Cells at Atherogenesis Process in Wistar Rats. Indonesian Journal of Cardiology, 33 (4). pp. 227-235. ISSN 0126-3773

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Background: Atherogenesiswas initiated by cholesterol deposits on foam cell in sub intimae of blood vessel stress oxidation. Atherogenesis in non-hypercolesterolemiausually undergoes an increased level of Lp-PLA2. It, therefore, needs to evaluate the role of Lp-PLA2in the foam cell formation.

Aims: To explain the role of Lp-PLA2 in the foam cell forming, to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 ,MDA, F2-Isp in aorta with foam cell number (FCs) as well as to correlate the level of Lp-PLA2 , MDA, F2-Isp contents in serum with their contents in aorta and the correlation with FCs.
Methods. 30 rats aged 2 months, with their weight averaging from 150-200g, were divided into the control group and the treatment one where the latter was fed hyperlidemia for 2,8 and 12 weeks. The measurement level of LDL-C, MDA, F2-isp and Lp-PLA2in serum was performedas well as aorta and FCs. Data was analysed using anova, t-Test, path analysis and correlation.

Results: Research result indicated that: (1) The level of MDA(a), F2-Isp(s) and Lp-PLA2(s) positively correlated with FCs, Lp-PLA(s)having the highest correlation value. (2) Lp-PLA2(a),MDA(s) and F2-Isp(s,a)did not correlate with FCs. (3) There was a positive correlation between Lp-PLA2 with MDA and F2-Isp in both serum and aorta.

Conclusion: The enzyme of Lp-PLA2 acts as an activator in forming the foam cell with stimulated stress oxidation.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: Atherogenesis; MDA; F2-Isp; Lp-PLA2
Subjects: 06 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology > 060199 Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified
Divisions: Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences > Department of Biology
Depositing User: Retno Susilowati
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2019 08:39


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