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River water classification pattern in Malang city based on electronic tongue for identification of environmental pollution

Tazi, Imam, Margareta, Silvi Nadya, Setyandita, Wanda Yulia, Muttamaqin, Hermawan, Kulliyana, Shilfi Khoirotin, Muhaimin, Aep and Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah (2020) River water classification pattern in Malang city based on electronic tongue for identification of environmental pollution. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1436. ISSN 17426588, 17426596

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The e-tongue in this study was developed in 16 lipid membrane-based sensor channels. Each membrane lipid arrange by different polymer membranes. Membranes are made by combining polyvinyl chloride (PVC) as a matrix. Four different types of plasticizers (2-NPOE, bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Pthalate, bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phosphate, bis (1-butyl pentyl) adipate). Four types of lipids (octadecylamine, oleyl alcohol, methyltrioctylammonium chloride, and oleic acid) for active ingredients. This electronic tongue is used to classify river water pollution in Malang City from various sources. The data obtained were analysed using the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method. Based on the PCA score plot shows the value of PC1 = 49.18%, and PC2 = 20.09%. Based on the loading plot shows the sensors that have the greatest contribution in classifying river water pollution are sensor 5, sensor 6. The PCA pattern shows that the river in front of UIN Malang, the river around Sumbersari and the river around Landungsari have a very close pattern. The data obtained show that the source of pollution of the three rivers is almost the same. The river around Soekarno Hatta and the river around Merjosari have a different pattern from the other three rivers. It can be concluded that using the PCA method can distinguish the classification of river water in different places

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: E-Tongue, PCA, Classification
Subjects: 03 CHEMICAL SCIENCES > 0301 Analytical Chemistry > 030107 Sensor Technology (Chemical aspects)
Divisions: Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences > Department of Physics
Depositing User: Imam Tazi
Date Deposited: 06 May 2020 16:14


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