Social communication in the Fiqh Tafsîr: a study of Muslims and non-Muslims in the Qur’anic interpretation

Hamdan, Ali (2020) Social communication in the Fiqh Tafsîr: a study of Muslims and non-Muslims in the Qur’anic interpretation. Miqot : Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 44 (2). pp. 165-191. ISSN P-ISSN 0852-0720 E-ISSN 2502-3616

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This study is driven by a reality showing a social communication in a factual Fiqh interpretation between Muslim and non-Muslim in the Quran, which hasn’t been completely and comprehensively analyzed by any scientific paper despite its importance. This study is very crucial as a part of the parameter for communication and interaction across different religious groups in the midst of intolerant. Therefore, the question that needs to be answered is “How the Fiqh interpretation can depict the social communication between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Quran?” This study employs an analytical interpretation perspective in describing the content of the Quran comprehensively. This is a qualitative study, which is also a library study, and the whole data source is a written documentation. This study has depicted the social communication occurred between Muslims and non-Muslims through the Quran. The Quran mentioned that Islam and Muslim are parts of a belief, but it also mentions about non-Muslim in a samawi scope, which are Yahudi, Nasrani and Ahl Kitab. Musyrik, al-Shâbiîn and al-Majusi are also mentioned as non-Muslim and non-Samawi. The social communication between Muslims and non-Muslims is also detected in the Quran comprising topics like knowing each other, conducting a convention of peace, and a more lenient relationship with the Christians because of the same origin and an equivalent dialog with the believers of Ahl Kitab in a topic that doubts the Oneness of Allah the Almighty.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: social communication; fiqh tafsîr; qur’anic exegesis; muslim; non-muslim
Subjects: 22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2204 Religion and Religious Studies > 220403 Islamic Studies > 22040301 Al-Quran, Tafsir and related science
Divisions: Faculty of Sharia and Law > Department of Al-Quran and Tafseer studies
Depositing User: Ali Hamdan
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2021 04:57


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