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Muchtaromah, Bayyinatul, Fadhurniawan, Irsyandi, Savitri, Evika Sandi, Fitriasari, Prilya Dewi, A'yunin, Nabilla Qurrota and Putri, Aldila Yunia (2021) Phytochemical and antifungal activity combination of Costus speciosus rhizome and Bryophyllum pinnatum in vitro. Presented at International Conference On Life Sciences And Technology (ICoLiST 2020), 29 Sep 2020, Malang.
Putri, Aldila Yunia and Utami, Ulfah ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9811-5759 (2020) Studi bioteknologi pengendalian hayati dengan berbagai jamur. Presented at Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan 2020, 2020, Palembang.
Utami, Ulfah, Nisa, Choirun, Putri, Aldila Yunia and Rahmawati, Emillia (2019) The potency of secondary metabolites endophytic fungi Trichoderma sp as biocontrol of Colletotrichum sp and Fusarium oxysporum causing disease in chili. Presented at International Conference on Biology and Applied Science (ICOBAS), 20 Maret 2019, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.