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Amelia, Rizki ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4362-2371 and Wibowo, Agus Mukti ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1257-1591 (2024) The development of blended learning-based digital teaching materials on kinematics for Islamic Primary School prospective teachers in science learning. Al-Bidayah: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam, 16 (1). pp. 92-112. ISSN 2549-3388
KEMENTERIAN HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA (2024) Peta potensi bahaya tsunami di pesisir Kecamatan Watulimo Kabupaten Trenggalek (sertifikat hak cipta). 000587143.
Basid, Abdul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1191-8290, Maharani, Fadia Ainina Putri and Rusli, Rusli (2024) Analysis of fault patterns that cause destructive earthquakes in mainland West Java. Jurnal Neutrino:Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 17 (1). ISSN 1979-6374
Erna, Hastuti, Suasmoro, S., Faried, latif and Fitriana, F (2024) Sintesis Material Oksida logam. ITS Press, ITS Press. ISBN 978-623-318-205-8 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Erna Hastuti, Utiya Hikmah, Fikriyatul Azizah Su'ud (2024) Pemanfaatan Limbah Biomassa Sebagai Material Carbon Dots Yang Ramah Lingkungan Dan Aplikasinya Sebagai Detektor Logam Berat. EC002024224340.
Hastuti, Erna ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2521-9258, Mutiara, Z., Hikmah, Utiya and Kurniati, T. (2024) Nitrogen-doped carbon dots derived from green algae and ammonia as photocatalyst material. Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia, 25 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 4111098 (print); 2614087X (online)
Hastuti, Erna ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2521-9258, Salsadilla, C, Sari, Y and Hikmah, Utiya (2024) The hydrothermal effect of time and temperature on the synthesis of carbon dots (CDs) from chicken feathers. Presented at ICGT.
Hikmah, Utiya, Yanti, Diah Risma, Axala, David Lee Giant, Hastuti, Erna ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2521-9258 and Prasetyo, Anton ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1575-8634 (2024) Synthesis of material composite rGO-TIO2 from coconut shells by sol-gel methods as photocatalyst. Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics, 14 (1). pp. 70-78. ISSN 20890133
Imamudin, Mochamad, Umaiyatus, Syarifah ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1218-1411 and Anita, Andriya Ningsih (2024) EKSPLORASI NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA MELALUI BUDAYA NYADRAN: STUDI KASUS NGAYUNG LAMONGAN. Research Report. 1, EC002024183970. (Unpublished)
Irjan, Ahmad Luthfin dkk (2024) Tutorial pengolahan data panas bumi di kawasan Bromo berdasarkan analisa Land Surface Temperature (LST), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ndvi) landsat 8 (sertifikat hak cipta). 000803060.
Luthfin, Ahmad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5416-1529 (2024) Pengantar metode elektromagnetik untuk geofisika. PT Mafy Media Literasi Indonesia, Solok, Sumatera Barat. ISBN 9786238638451 Author, Editor, Editor : Ahmad luthfin, AL and Himmatus Suroyyah, HS and Amira Nur Fariha, AM.
Luthfin, Ahmad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6121-6807 and Irjan, Irjan (2024) Identification of sub-surface rock structures in the Banyu Biru hot springs area using the gravity method. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK), 10 (1). pp. 14-25. ISSN 2442-904X
Ahmad Luthfin, Irjan dkk (2024) Dokumen kegiatan implementasi pengolahan sampah terpadu dengan pemilahan dan pengolahan sampah organik berbasis ecoenzyme di Kelurahan Candirenggo, Singosari (sertifikat hak cipta). 000803087.
Marbun, Yorgita Naully, Basid, Abdul ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1191-8290, Ilham, Ilham, Ginting, Rika Adelina and Sunardi, Bambang (2024) Probabilistic Analysis of Hazard Soil Movement Based on Maximum Ground Acceleration Spectrum Patterns Due to the Malang Raya Earthquake. Journal of Physics and Its Applications (JPA), 7 (1). pp. 22-27. ISSN 2622-5956
Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah and Anripa, Nuralfin (2024) Stroke severity analysis through CT-scan image texture analysis of the brain with gray level run length matrix method. Jurnal Neutrino, 16 (2). pp. 53-59. ISSN 24605999
Agus Mulyono, Wiwis Sasmitaninghidayah dkk (2024) Aplikasi teknologi Laser punktur dan pengaruhnya pada diabetes (sertifikat hak cipta). 000784449.
Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah and Sasmitaninghidayah, Wiwis ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6686-7203 (2024) Aplikasi teknologi laser punktur dan pengaruhnya terhadap konsentrasi urin, resistansi insulin, histologi ginjal dan histologi pankreas pada mencit diabetes militus. Research Report. LP2M UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791 and Tirono, Mokhamad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8933-4725 (2024) Histological description of the pancreas and blood glucose levels in DM mice exposure to cigarette smoke when using a herbal biofilter. African Journal of Biological Sciences (South Africa), 6 (5). pp. 6925-6932. ISSN 2663-2187
Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Ain, Khoirul, Tazi, Imam, Chamidah, Ninik and Kusairi, Kusairi (2024) Optimizing formalin detection in fish using QCM sensors with tomac membrane coatings for product quality monitoring. Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics (IJAP), 14 (2). ISSN 2089 – 0133
Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Mulyadi, Muhammad Fakhri, Tazi, Imam, Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791, Hananto, Farid Samsu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0305-5803, Chamidah, Ninik and Kusairi, Kusairi (2024) Development of an automated monitoring system for soil moisture and temperature in smart agriculture to enhance lettuce farming productivity based on IoT. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6 (11). pp. 1-9. ISSN 25953982
Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Nashirudin, Muhammad Farid, Sasmitaninghidayah, Wiwis, Chamidah, Ninik, Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791 and Tazi, Imam (2024) The development of an iot-based automated temperature and ph monitoring system to enhance the management of gourami fish ponds. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 19 (5). pp. 294-300. ISSN 1819-6608
Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Tazi, Imam and Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791 (2024) Development of an automated monitoring system for soil moisture and temperature in smart agriculture to enhance lettuce farming productivity based on IoT. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 6 (11). ISSN 25953982
Putra, Kivah Aha (2024) Keislaman dan kebangsaan dalam pandangan tokoh, organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan organisasi kemahasiswaan. UIN Maliki Press, Malang. ISBN 978-623-232-932-4 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.
Rohim, Ar, Romadani, Arista and Adam, Apriadi Salim (2024) Casimir effect of Lorentz-violating charged Dirac field in background magnetic field. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 2024 (3). ISSN 20503911
Sasmitaninghidayah, Wiwis, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah and Mulyono, Agus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2574-1791 (2024) Belajar mandiri dasar-dasar integral. PT. Literasi Nusantara Abadi Grup, Malang. ISBN 978623114818-6 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.
Syarifah, Umaiyatus ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2360-7297, Holil, Kholifah, Resmisari, Ruri Siti ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6623-5257, Rahmah, Azizatur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6317-2091 and Griana, Tias Pramesti ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2974-0884 (2024) The concept of Thayyib in a review of the Quran and science: Consumer selection over quality food. Al Quds: Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Hadis, 8 (1). pp. 2580-3190. ISSN 2580-3174
Tazi, Imam, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Hananto, Farid Samsu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0305-5803 and Sasmitaninghidayah, Wiwis (2024) Development and prototyping of a concentrated ethanol gas monitoring system based on the MQ-3 sensor using the KAVi machine calibrator for environmental safety. Development and prototyping of a concentrated ethanol gas monitoring system based on the MQ-3 sensor using the KAVi machine calibrator for environmental safety, 7 (3). ISSN 2675-1240
Tazi, Imam, Riana, Dedi, Syahadi, Mohamad, Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah, Sasmitaninghidayah, Wiwis, Aprilia, Lia and Tresna, Wildan Panji (2024) Performance evaluation of single-mode fiber optic-based surface plasmon resonance sensor on material and geometrical parameters. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 14 (5). pp. 5072-5082. ISSN 2088-8708
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (2024) Monitoring klasifikasi pembusukan ikan air tawar menggunakan array sensor hidung elektronik berbasis 5 sensor gas (sertifikat hak cipta). EC002024239837.
Tirono, Mokhamad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8933-4725 and Hananto, Farid Samsu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0305-5803 (2024) Enhancing curcumin and mineral content in red turmeric via magnetic field exposure. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 19 (3). pp. 841-848. ISSN 1755-7437 (Print); 1755-7445 (Online)
Mokhamad Tirono, Farid Samsu Hananto dkk (2024) Penerapan medan magnet untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol, asam urat, glukosa dan viscositas darah mencit penderita diabetes (sertifikat hak cipta). 000800263.
Tirono, Mokhamad ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8933-4725, Hananto, Farid Samsu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0305-5803, Mansurudin, Susilo and , (2024) Laporan Penelitian PENERAPAN MEDAN MAGNET UNTUK MENURUNKAN KADAR KOLESTEROL, ASAM URAT, GLUKOSA DAN VISCOSITAS DARAH MENCIT PENDERITA DIABETES. Research Report. No, MALANG. (Unpublished)
Umaiyatus Syarifah (2024) Tipologi hadis maudhu: Analisi kritis atas karya Nashiruddin Al-Albani (sertifikat hak cipta). 000756454.
Umaiyatus, Syarifah ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1218-1411, Azizy, Jauhar ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1687-2087 and Sihabussalam, Sihabussalam ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6623-5257 (2024) Environmental conservation in M. Quraish Shihab and Hamka’s perspective. Islamadina: Jurnal pemikiran Islam, 25 (1). pp. 114-131. ISSN 2580-5096
Utiya, Hikmah, Azizah, Aghea Tahta Wahyu and Erna, Hastuti (2024) Crystal structure parameter analysis of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) from coconut shell charcoal. Crystal Structure Parameter Analysis of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) from Coconut Shell Charcoal, 21 (2). pp. 157-162. ISSN 1819-796X (p-ISSN); 2541-1713 (e-ISSN)