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Soleh, Achmad Khudori (2013) Filsafat Islam dari Klasik Hingga Kontemporer. Ar-Ruzz Media, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-602-7874-13-8 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Soleh, Achmad Khudori (2003) Pemikiran Islam Kontemporer. Jendela, Yogyakarta. ISBN 979-95798-152-x Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author : Soleh, Achmad Khudori and Rahmawati, Erik Sabti and Fanani, Muhyar and Kartanegara, Mulyadhi and Esha, M In'am and Suryadilaga, M Alfatih and Muchsin, A Misri and Mustaqim, Abdul.

Soleh, Achmad Khudori (2004) Wacana Baru Filsafat Islam. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta. ISBN 979-3477-48-2 Author of introduction, etc. : Abdullah, Amin.

Soleh, Achmad Khudori and Rahmawati, Erik Sabti (2011) Kerjasama umat beragama dalam al-qur'an perspektif hermenutika Farid Esack. UIN Maliki Press, Malang. ISBN 978-602-958-342-7 Author of introduction, etc. : Ayoub, Mahmoud.

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