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The geoboard teaching aid on similarity and symmetry topics for elementary school students

Abdussakir, Abdussakir, Firmansyah, Ainur, Masamah, Ulfa ORCID: and Achadiyah, Nur Laili (2022) The geoboard teaching aid on similarity and symmetry topics for elementary school students. EDUMATIKA: Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Matematika, 5 (1). pp. 14-23. ISSN 2620-8911

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Learning media in the form of teaching aids was necessary for learning in elementary schools caused students in this gradewere in the concrete operational stage. This study aimed to determine the feasibility, ittractiveness, and effectiveness of the Geoboard teaching aidon similarity and symmetry topics for fifth-grade of elementary school students. The development of the Geoboard teaching aidin this study used the Borg and Gall model. Subjects of feasibility consisted of three experts and one practitioner, attractiveness subjects consisted of 6 students, and effectiveness subjects consisted of fifth-grade students in one public elementary school inMojokerto, East Java. The results showed that the feasibility of the Geoboard teaching aidon similarity and symmetry topics obtained a percentage score of 91% on the material aspect, 96% on the media design aspect, 90% on the mathematics learning aspect, and 90% on the practical aspect. The percentage of the attractiveness test score reached 99.03%.The data analysisresults by independent sample t-test showed that the Geoboard teaching aidsignificantly improved student learning outcomes.Overall, it could conclude that the Geoboard teaching aidon similarity and symmetry topics was feasible, attractive, and effective for fifth-grade students

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: elementary school students; geoboard teaching aid; similarity and symmetry
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy > 130208 Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy
Divisions: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training > Department of Mathematics Education
Depositing User: Abdussakir Abdussakir
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2022 09:00


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