Kontribusi profesionalisme guru kelas dan minat baca siswa dalam meningkatkan prestasi hasil pembelajaran tematik integratif

Sholeh, Ahmad (2021) Kontribusi profesionalisme guru kelas dan minat baca siswa dalam meningkatkan prestasi hasil pembelajaran tematik integratif. Edukatif : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3 (3). pp. 777-784. ISSN 2656-8071

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Professional homeroom teachers are still not evenly realized in all existing primary education institutions. On the other hand, we also see that the students’ reading interest in Indonesia very low. This study aims to determine how much the contribution of homeroom teacher professionalism and students' reading interest in improving integrative thematic learning outcomes. This study uses a type of survey research that is Ex Post Facto at MI Raden Fatah Pujon. The data analysis technique uses inferential statistical analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that integrative thematic learning outcomes is influenced by the professional competence of homeroom teachers and students' reading interest, together with a contribution of 36.7%. This means that other variables influence the remaining integrative thematic learning outcomes. By considering the results of this study, the improvement of the professionalism of homeroom teachers and students' reading interest to improve the quality of integrative thematic learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah must be continued.

Item Type: Journal Article
Keywords: professionalism; reading interest; learning outcomes
Subjects: 13 EDUCATION > 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy > 130202 Curriculum and Pedagogy Theory and Development
Divisions: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training > Department of Teacher Education for Islamic Primary Schools
Depositing User: Ahmad Sholeh
Date Deposited: 24 May 2021 11:20


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