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Items where Subject is "20 LANGUAGE, COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE > 2002 Cultural Studies > 200206 Globalisation and Culture"

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Asmawati, Rika Inggit (2021) Ayo bangun monumen Covid-19. In: Sketsa-sketas Imajinasi Selepas Pandemi. Diva Press, Yogyakarta, pp. 40-43. ISBN 978-623-293-527-3 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Bahtiar, Jessica Yunanda and Rahayu, Mundi ORCID: (2023) Body Image Representation in Ms Glow For Men Advertising; An Analysis of Circuit of Culture. CELT: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching and Literature, 23 (1). ISSN 1412-3320


Hilmi, Danial (2016) Fondasi PTKIN sebagai pusat pengembangan sains dan teknologi. In: Membangun kembali peradaban Islam prestisius. UIN-Maliki Press, Malang, pp. 155-173. ISBN 978-602-1190-82-1 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Pramitha, Devi and Wibowo, Agus Mukti and Asrori, Mohammad and Mubarak, Ruma (2018) Esoterisme Islam Jawa: kontruksi identitas dan mobilitas sosial dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat muslim Desa Tumpang Kec. Talun Kab. Blitar. EC00201857316.


Rahayu, Mundi (2016) Negotiation of local and global identities in “”. Presented at International Conference on Lnaguange, Literature and Cultural Studies (Icon Laterals) , FIB, Universitas Brawijaya, October 2016, October 2016, Malang. (Unpublished)


Santi, Vita Nur ORCID: and Bachtiar, Rifqi (2023) From individual to social identity: shifting in women travelers’ blogs during the pandemic Covid-19. Presented at The 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Media (AICOLLIM 2022), 21-22 Sep 2022, Malang, Indonesia.


Wahyudi, Asis and Salsabila, Eva Laily (2023) Sastra dan budaya dalam pesantren: Tantangan dan potensinya di era globalisasi. In: Militansi santri dalam menyongsong Indonesia emas. UIN MALIKI Press, Malang, pp. 261-268. ISBN 978-623-232-898-3 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Wahyudi, Ribut (2014) Asia as method: Toward de-imperalization. Asian Education and Development Studies, 3 (2). pp. 181-183. ISSN 2046-3162

Ribut Wahyudi (2023) Example of practice: designing and teaching a course that matters: going beyond business as usual (sertifikat hak cipta). 000480606.

Wahyudi, Ribut ORCID: (2024) Students’ critical voices and (re)positioning toward “standard Englishes”. In: Investigating Unequal Englishes Understanding, Researching and Analysing Inequalities of the Englishes of the World. Routledge Studies in World Englishes, 1 . Routledge, London, pp. 89-102. ISBN 978103241023-4 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Wahyudi, Ribut ORCID: and Faisol, M. (2023) When daily uses of language, identity and ‘power’ intersect with the global (center) versus local (periphery) power relations: An interdisciplinary study. In: Reimagining Dialogue on Identity, Language and Power. New Perspectives on Language and Education, 1 (1). Multilingual Matters, Bristol, pp. 141-157. ISBN 978-1-80041-471-6 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Zainuddin, M ORCID: (2015) Tantangan NU ke depan: perlu pemimpin berwawasan global. In: NU di tengah globalisasi: kritik, solusi, dan aksi. UIN-Maliki Press, Malang, pp. 3-12. ISBN 978-602-1190-49-4 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

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