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Almais, Agung Teguh Wibowo, Rouf, Abd., Syauqi, A'la, Imamudin, Mochammad, Istiqomah, Dyah Febriantika, Roihan, Akbar and Sugiono, Shinta Rizki Firdina (2021) Media promosi desa wisata menggunakan Desa Gampingan Kecamatan Pagak Kabupaten Malang. J-Dinamika, 6 (2). pp. 219-225. ISSN 2503-1031

Almais, Agung Teguh Wibowo, Susilo, Adi, Naba, Agus, Sarosa, Moechammad, Crysdian, Cahyo, Wicaksono, Hendro, Tazi, Imam, Hariyadi, Mokhamad Amin, Muslim, Muhammad Aziz, Basid, Puspa Miladin Nuraida Safitri A, Arif, Yunifa Miftachul, Purwanto, Mohammad Singgih, Parwatiningtyas, Diyan and Supriyono, Supriyono (2023) Principal component analysis-based data clustering for labeling of level damage sector in post-natural disasters. IEEE Access. ISSN 2169-3536

Rektor UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (2024) Software Penilaian Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA). 000619253.

Rektor UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (2024) Software penilaian Objective Structured Ciptaan Yang Clinical Examination (OSCE) Mahasiswa Profesi Apoteker UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. 000619268.

Arif, Yunifa Miftachul, Faisal, Muhammad, Kurniawan, Fachrul and Misbahudin, Achmad (2017) Implementation of ultrasonic sensor and fuzzy logic on safety and control drone system (QUADCOPTER). Presented at The 8th International Conference on Green Technology, 8 October 2017, Malang.

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang (2024) Alat monitoring UHI. 000615339.


Wahyu Hariyanto, Fatchurrochman, Andi Kustiawan, Shoffin Nahwa Utama, dan Moch Hilmiy Fuad Nidhom (2023) Pemanfaatan smart light solar cell sebagai kemandirian energi dalam upaya substitusi ipteks dan diversifikasi tata kelola masjid di Masjid Sirothol Mustaqim Kab. Pasuruan (sertifikat hak cipta). 000516446.


Kurniawan, Fachrul ORCID:, Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki, Hariadi, Mochamad, Iskandar, Isdaryanto and Basoeki, Prita Dewi (2022) Smart city serious game based on features selection. In: New Generation of Sustainable Smart Cities [Working Title]. IntechOpen. Author, Consultant, Consultant to a project, Commentator, Commentator : UNSPECIFIED.

Kurniawan, Fachrul ORCID:, Romadhoni, Yuliana, Zahrona, Laila and Hammad, Jehad (2022) Comparing LSTM and CNN methods in case study on public discussion about Covid-19 in Twitter. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 13 (10). pp. 402-409. ISSN 2156-5570

Kurniawan, Fachrul ORCID:, Wibawa, Aji Prasetya, Munir, Munir, Nugroho, Supeno Mardi Susiki and Hariadi, Mochamad (2017) Makassar smart city operation center priority optimization using fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making. Presented at 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI), 19-21 Sep 2017, Yogyakarta.

Almais, Agung Teguh Wibowo, et al. (2021) Platform e-thesis sebagai inovasi ujian thesis di era new normal. 000284108.

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 22:22:44 2025 WIB.