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Number of items: 7.


Anas, Mohamad, Saraswati, Destriana, Umi, Sumbulah and Atmono, RD Josephus Cuperano Eko (2021) Panduan etika kerukunan umat beragama. 1, 1 (1). Lakpesdam NU Kota Malang, Malang. ISBN 9786025325939 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Hidayatullah, Achmad Diny ORCID: (2021) NU dan pendidikan pesantren di era society 5.0. In: Kado Muktamar ke-34 NU dan Masa Depan Umat. UIN Maliki Press, Malang, pp. 56-61. ISBN 9786232328051 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Hidayatullah, Achmad Diny (2021) Solusi Santri dalam Era Society 5.0. In: Menuju Era Santri 5.0. 1, 1 . UIN Maliki Press, Malang, xii-348. ISBN 978-623-232-767-2 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Hidayatullah, Ahmad Diny and Sugiarto, Iwan and Mujtabah, M. (2021) Peran dan kiprah alumni: tracer study UIN Maliki 2020. 000252243.

Hidayatullah, Achmad Diny, Sugiarto, Iwan and Mujtabah, M. (2021) Peran dan kiprah alumni: tracer study UIN Maliki 2020. 1, 1 (1). Career Development Center UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang. ISBN 978-623-96929-0-2 Author, Author, Author : Hidayatullah, Dr. H. Achmad Diny Hidayatullah, SH., SS., M.Pd and Sugiarto, H. Iwan Sugiarto, SE., MM. and Mujtabah, M. Mujtabah, SE.


Slamet, Slamet ORCID:, Mustolik, Imam Bani and Hidayatullah, Achmad Diny (2021) Wealth management: konsep dan model pengembangan perguruan tinggi badan layanan umum. Inara Publisher, Malang. ISBN 9786239887780 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Iwan, S., Sujak., Fahudi., Hidayatullah, AD. (2021) Sistem Informasi Laporan Keuangan Kegiatan Organisasi Mahasiswa (SILAKOM) Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. EC00202127958.

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