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Number of items: 10.

Journal Article

Fitriyani, Fitriyani, Ningrum, Salsabila E. S, Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID: and Kinasih, Larasati Sekar (2023) Compound Molecules of Network Pharmacology-Based of Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea Cav.) and the potential as noodle for type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment. Traditional Medicine Journal, 28 (3). pp. 178-188. ISSN 2406-9086

Hidayah, Rizka Nurul, Nafisa, Belia Bima, Arifin, Miftah Saiful, Santosaningsih, Dewi and Mutiah, Roihatul (2023) Antiviral activitiy of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin and cyclocurcumin compounds of Curcuma longa against NSP3 on SARS-CoV-2. Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, 13 (3). pp. 166-174. ISSN 2355-8989

Listiyana, Anik, Rachmawati, Yuanita Lely, Susianti, Hani, Nurdiana, Nurdiana, Sujuti, Hidayat, Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID: and Endharti, Agustina Tri (2023) Synergistic effect of the combination of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (Trev.) and doxorubicin in inhibiting PI3K and Cyclin D in oral squamous cell carcinoma: in vitro study. F1000Research, 12 (881). pp. 1-10. ISSN 20461402

Milliana, Alvi, Listiyana, Anik ORCID:, Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID:, Annisa, Rahmi ORCID:, Firdausy, Alif Firman ORCID:, Faradila, Vira Azzara, Febriani, Anisa, Ainina, Elsa Iftita, Kirana, Nariswari Lutfi Nabila and Yueniwati, Yuyun ORCID: (2023) The potential of Eleutherine bulbosa in inducing apoptosis and inhibiting cell cycle in breast cancer: A network pharmacology approach and in vitro experiments. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 24 (11). pp. 3783-3794. ISSN 1513-7368

Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID:, Qonita, Kesimira and Luthfi, Hasanah F (2023) Systematic review: Kajian fitokimia dan potensi farmakologi jeruk pamelo (citrus maxima). Journal of Islamic Medicine, 7 (2). pp. 163-173. ISSN 2550-0074

Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID:, Rachmawati, Ermin ORCID:, Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur and Zahiro, Syayida Roisatus (2023) Metabolite profiling of anticancer compounds in Saussure lappa based on UPLC-QToFMS/MS. Pharmacy Education, 23 (4). pp. 37-42. ISSN 1477-2701

Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID:, Roziqin, Ahmad Ainur, Umairoh, Kartika Nibras, Taufik, Imam and Suryadinata, Arief (2023) The development and validation of HPLC and HPTLC-densitometry methods for the determination of 1, 4-naphthoquinone content in Eleutherine bulbosa extract. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 15 (5). pp. 333-338. ISSN 0975-7058

Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID:, Sukardiman, Sukardiman, Milliana, Alvi, Rachmawati, Ermin ORCID:, Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur ORCID: and Yueniwati, Yuyun ORCID: (2023) Network pharmacology, apoptosis, and cell cycle inhibition of sesquiterpene compounds from qusthul hindi root extract (saussurea lappa) in breast cancer: An in silico and in vitro approach. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 15 (6). pp. 132-141. ISSN 0975-7058

Nafisa, Belia Bima, Santoso, Sanarto, Rahmah, Zainabur ORCID: and Mutiah, Roihatul (2023) Potential antiviral activity of eleutherine, isoeleutherine, eleuthinone and elecanacine compounds in Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr against NSP3 SARS-COV-2: in silico study. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 49-57. ISSN 2581-3250

Susanti, Nurlaili, Mustika, Arifa, Khotib, Junaidi, Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID: and Rochmanti, Maftuchah (2023) Phytochemical, metabolite compound, and antioxidant activity of Clinacanthus nutans leaf extract from Indonesia. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 38-44. ISSN 2580-4391

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