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Number of items: 8.


Mufidah, Nuril, Suryawati, Dessy and Rofiki, Imam (2021) Vlog media in Arabic learning for the pro gadget generation. Presented at The International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 31 Oct 2020, Malang.


Octaberlina, Like Raskova and Rofiki, Imam (2021) Using online game for Indonesian EFL learners to enrich vocabulary. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15 (1). pp. 168-183.


Purba, Ramen A., Mawati, Arin Tentrem, Ardiana, Dewa Putu Yudhi, Pramusita, Santa Maya, Bermuli, Jessica Elfani, Purba, Sri Rezeki Fransiska, Sinaga, Kelly, Mardiana, Nana, Rofiki, Imam and Recard, Michael (2021) Media dan teknologi pembelajaran. Yayasan Kita Menulis, Medan. ISBN 978-623-342-082-2 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Purba, Ramen A. [eta al.] (2021) Pengantar media pembelajaran. 000231856.


Rofiki, Imam, Aura, Chansa Nabilla, Abtokhi, Ahmad and Abdussakir, Abdussakir (2021) Perancangan desain wisata untuk pengembangan potensi alam Desa Jatisari. Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5 (3). pp. 312-320. ISSN 2548-219X


Simarmata, Nenny Ika Putri, Hasibuan, Abdurrozzaq, Rofiki, Imam, Sukarman, Purba, Tasnim, Tasnim, Sitorus, Efbertias, Silitonga, Hery Pandapotan, Sutrisno, Eko, Purba, Bonaraja, Makbul, Ritnawati, Sianturi, Efendi, Bachtiar, Erniati, Agustin, Tuti, Negara, Edi Surya and Simarmata, Janner (2021) Metode penelitian untuk perguruan tinggi. Yayasan Kita Menulis, Medan. ISBN 978-623-342-091-4 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Ulum, Mohammad Samsul, Yafie, Evania, Wahyuningtyas, Dessy Putri and Rofiki, Imam (2021) Improving linguistic intelligence through graphic introduction with flashcard media for early childhood. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control, 13 (2). pp. 79-87.


Yadav, Dharmendra Kumar, Rofiki, Imam and Goyal, Somya (2021) Three magical words of mathematics. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 9 (8). b265-b274.

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