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Number of items: 7.


Hasanah, Nurhandayani, Rahmatillah, Siti Alfiyana and Wahyuni, Esa Nur (2023) Implementation of Ivan Pavlov's theory in forming students' Islamic character at Aswaja Darul Falah Islamic Elementary School. Jurnal Eduscience (JES), 10 (2). pp. 406-419. ISSN 2685-2217


Maksum, Ali, Jubba, Hasse, Abdullah, Irwan, Wahyuni, Esa Nur and Sopyan, Abdul Rachman (2023) Redefining the Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) identity after its dissolution by the Indonesian government. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 13 (22). pp. 399-426. ISSN 2406825X

Maksum, Ali, Sopyan, Abdul Rachman, Indiyanto, Agus and Wahyuni, Esa Nur (2023) Ecotheology: environmental ethical view in water spring protection. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 23. pp. 23-33. ISSN 1611-8014


Rossidy, Imron, Barizi, Ahmad, Haris, Abd and Wahyuni, Esa Nur (2023) Concept of Islamic integrated education and its implementation at Ar-Rohmah Educational Institute Malang. Didaktika Religia: Journal of Islamic Education, 11 (1). pp. 61-84. ISSN p-ISSN: 2337-7305; e-ISSN: 2549-631X


Sartinah, Endang pujiastuti, Wahyuni, Esa Nur, Pamuji, Pamuji and Budiati, Eryana Fatimasari Retno (2023) CIP: an alternative career guidance model to improve self-understanding and work understanding for deaf students. Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan, 11 (2). pp. 99-103. ISSN ISSN 2733-6880 (Electronic)


Wahyuni, Esa Nur, Maksum, Ali, Efiyanti, Alfiana Yuli, Baharuddin, Baharuddin and Muhayani, Ulfah (2023) Children’s self-esteem crisis during Indonesian post-pandemic. Presented at The 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Media (AICOLLIM 2022), 21-22 Sep 2022, Malang, Indonesia.

Esa Nur Wahyuni, Alfiana Yuli Efiyanti, dkk (2023) Model pengembangan wellbeing mahasiswa untuk mewujudkan world class university pada Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam di Indonesia (sertifikat hak cipta). 000439909.

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