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Adji, Waluyo Satrio, Bashith, Abdul, Nashith, Ali and Amin, Saiful (2019) Identification of social symptoms using the drone emprit academic as a support for statistical literacy. Abjadia, 4 (2). pp. 60-67. ISSN 2528-3979
Amin, Saiful (2019) Pengaruh group investigation dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar geografi mahasiswa pendidikan IPS. J-PIPS : Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 5 (2). pp. 79-89. ISSN 2614-5480
Amin, Saiful (2019) Peningkatan profesionalisme guru melalui pelatihan pengembangan media pembelajaran sparkol videoscribe di Kabupaten Malang. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4 (4). pp. 563-572. ISSN 25408747
Bashith, Abdul, Amin, Saiful, Prasad, Ravinesh Rohit and Kidzikri, De Nanda Mei Dwi (2019) Development of student worksheet on student’s creative thinking skill. Al Ta'lim Journal. ISSN p1410-7546; e2355-7893 (In Press)
Bashith, Abdul, Amin, Saiful, Prasad, Ravinesh Rohit and Kidzikri, De Nanda Mei Dwi (2019) The development of students’ worksheet on students’ creative thinking skill. Al Ta'lim Journal, 26 (2). pp. 112-120. ISSN p1410-7546; e2355-7893
Bashith, Abdul and Amin, Saiful (2019) Coaching of student cooperation to be “Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin”. Presented at International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018).
Bashith, Abdul, Nasith, Ali, Saifullah, Saifullah, Amin, Saiful and Purwono, Bambang Sugiyono Agus (2019) Business strategy and innovation in weather anomaly entering mea and cafta in the ‘BREM” industrial business centre in Madiun East Java Indonesia. Presented at International Conference on Climate Change, April 11-12, 2019, Beijing, China.
Abdul Bashith, Saiful Amin, Misbah Munir (2019) Pengembangan buku kompetisi sains madrasah bidang IPS (Geografi dan Ekonomi) integrasi Agama Islam. EC00201900240.