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Abduh, Miftachul Afif, Mustaufir, Mustaufir and Indah, Rohmani Nur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6176-048X (2018) Arabic language production: challenges for Indonesian adult and children learners. Presented at The 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 26-28 September 2018, Jakarta.
Agustini, Agustini, Afiah, Lisnu and Indah, Rohmani Nur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6176-048X (2018) Slips of tongue in Net TV Talkshow. Presented at The 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 26-28 September 2018, Jakarta.
Baili, Baili, Muthiah, Muthiah and Indah, Rohmani Nur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6176-048X (2018) Communication disorder of schizophrenics in psycholinguistics and religious perspective. Presented at The 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 26-28 September 2018, Jakarta.
Hamidah, Ulfi, Hamid, M. Abdul and Zuhdy, Halimi (2018) Al-Ada' al-Shauty Min Wijhah Nadzr Ibn Jinny Fi Maharah al-Kalam Lada Thalabah Jami'ah Maulana Malik Ibrahim al-Islamiyyah al-Hukumiyyah Malang. a'lim Al-Lughah Al-'Arabiyah : Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, 8 (2). pp. 15-30. ISSN 2089-2276
Irfan, Irfan, Wahid, M. Alvin and Indah, Rohmani Nur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6176-048X (2018) Constraints in phoneme learning of Hijaiyyah for Ghairu al-Natiq in Indonesian context. Presented at The 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 26-28 September 2018, Jakarta.
Jannah, Fithrotul, Yuniasti, Rikza, Maali, Khawil and Arifa, Zakiyah (2018) Pengembangan program bahasa Arab menuju persaingan global: Studi kasus di TAZKIA International Islamic Boarding School. At Ta'dib; Journal of Pesantren Education, 13 (2). pp. 1-16. ISSN 2503-3514
Laily, Alvita Hikmatul, Virdiana, Dwita Dora and Indah, Rohmani Nur ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6176-048X (2018) Phonology acquisition through Hijaiyah learning for early age children. Presented at The 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations, 26-28 September 2018, Jakarta.
Maziyah, Riayatul, Jannah, Arina Nur, Mufidah, Isti and Arifa, Zakiyah (2018) Musyrifah strategy in the management of mutawassith class on mufrodat material at Shabah Al-Lughah. Jurnal Al Bayan, 11 (1). pp. 166-178. ISSN 2549-1229
Rosyidi, Abdul Wahab (2018) مكانة الأصوات في الكتاب المدرسي لغير الناطقين بالعربية ودورها في فهم الشريعة. Presented at Pertemuan Ilmiah Internasional Bahasa Arab (PINBA) XI, 13-15 Juli 2018, ِUIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh.
Safrah, Dhafrina, Hamid, M. Abdul and Syuhadak, Syuhadak (2018) Dafi'iyyat Ta'allum al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah Lada Talamidz al-Madrasah al-Ibtidaiyyah al-Hukumiyyah Buengcala Aceh al-Kubra. Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah, 8 (2). pp. 47-63. ISSN 2089-2276