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Maulidya, Chindy, Shahvithri, Noureel Alya and Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The Impact Of Socialization Of The Dangers Of Smoking And Social Media Impact On The Knowledge And Attitudes Of Students Of SMKN 1 Grati.
Idaarah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan, 8 (2).
pp. 328-337.
ISSN 2621-9476
Hidayah, Rifa ORCID:, Solichah, Novia and Zakiyah, Ermita
Spiritual parenting mindfulness: Melejitkan jiwa spiritual gen alfa berakhlak Rasulullah.
Republik Karya, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-5738-09-3
Novia Solichah, Ermita Zakiyah dkk (2024) Modul terapi spiritual mindfulness (sertifikat hak cipta). 000768899.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Disambiguation of Tafsir Khazin in Muqodimah and its application in Tafsir Lubab al-Ta'wil fi Ma'ani al-Tanzil.
Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an, 20 (2).
pp. 221-231.
ISSN 0216-1648
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Psychoeducation analysis in Tafsir Al-Maraghi: An integrated approach.
Intelektual: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Keislaman, 12 (2).
pp. 158-172.
ISSN 1979-2050
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Peranan guru dalam menghadapi siswa bermasalah.
Presented at Sosialisasi Peranan Guru dalam Menghadapi Siswa Bermasalah, 13 Juli 2024, SMP Islam Ngebruk Kec. Sumber Pucung.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Nikmah, Faridatun
ORCID:, Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul and Mukharomah, Awwalina
Islamic parenting psychoeducation: Marriage dispensation prevention in Ketawanggede Lowokwaru Malang.
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Madani (JPMM), 8 (1).
pp. 61-72.
ISSN 2580-4332
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Riyadi, Abdul Kadir and Yani, Achmad
Wrong writing in the Qur'an: Paleographic studies as a critique of the Luxenburg Thesis.
Jurnal At-Tibyan: Jurnal Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir, 9 (1).
pp. 51-71.
ISSN 2442-594X
Putri, Adelia, Sulaiman, Affan Fajri, Faiz, Alfan Alfin, Al Hazm, Baariq Ikbar, Adi, Jendral Purnama, Saronyx, Laundia, Masayu, Nariza Titis Vio, Khasana, Rizka Ma'rifatul and Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Analisis dampak kegiatan subuh keliling terhadap spiritualisme masyarakat Desa Pagedangan Malang.
MARTABE : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 7 (5).
pp. 1564-1574.
ISSN 2598-1218
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The implementation of khiyar in e-commerce in Al-Qur'an Hadith.
Presented at The 6th International Conference on Law, Technology, Spirituality and Society (ICOLESS), 6-7 Sep 2023, Malang.
Syifa, Nadia, Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID: and Fattah, Abdul
Understanding Gender Equality in the Perspective of Surah Al-Hujurat Verse 13 And Bukhari Hadith No. 4787.
Presented at The 2nd International Conference on Islam, Science, Language, Law, Education, Economics, and Humanity, 5-6 Jun 2023, Malang.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul and Sarif, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi
Restructuring Western personality theory the perspective of Abu Laits as Samarqandi with a Qur’anic approach.
Presented at Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023) Conference, 21-23 Jun 2023, Malang.
Solichah, Novia, Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Shofiah, Nurul, Wafa, Iqbal Ali and Akhadya, Feisya Akhadya
Photo voice study: Planned behavior of AI user students in the Quranic perspective.
Majalah Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Keagamaan Tajdid, 26 (2).
ISSN 2685-466X
Ermita Zakiyah (2023) Psikologi di mata al-Qur'an dan Hadits (sertifikat hak cipta). 000554064.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Cara mengatasi overthinking pada skripsi.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID: and Nikmah, Faridatun
Psikoedukasi parenting Islami: upaya pencegahan dispensasi nikah Ketawanggede Lowokwaru Malang.
Community Service Report.
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Malang.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Psikologi di mata Al-Qur’an dan Hadits.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
ISBN 9786232328884
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul and Sarif, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi
The rise of the nation during a pandemic with resilience from an Islamic psychology perspective.
Presented at The Conference of Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2022), 30 Nov 2022, Malang, Indonesia.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul and Sarif, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi
Javanese Islamic moderation of Sunan Kalijogo, harmonization of Islamic and Javanese teachings (aggregation of culture and ideology).
Presented at International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Social Sciences (ICONETOS) 2022, 1 Nov 2022, Malang, Indonesia.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Kajian Intergasi islam dan Sains dalam Ilmu Kesehatan dan Ilmu Sosial: Paradigma Integrasi Psikologi dan Islam.
Kajian Integrasi Islam dan Sains dalam Ilmu Kesehatan dan Sosial.
UIN Press, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-232-920-1
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Psikologi dimata al-Quran dan Hadits.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-232-888-4
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Psikologi integrasi Ulul Albab dan upaya mahasantri psikologi dalam harmonisasi dan pesan damai di Indonesia.
Militansi Santri dalam menyongsong Indonesia emas.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
ISBN 9786232328976
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Refresment artificial intelligence for researcher.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Strategi mudah penulisan karya ilmiah melalui Artificial Intelligence.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Solichah, Novia, Shofiah, Nurul, Fattah, Abdul
ORCID: and Wafa, Iqbal Ali
The perception of Muslim converts on religious moderation and the importance of tolerance: A study at the Mualaf Center Malang, Indonesia.
Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 12 (02).
pp. 179-192.
ISSN 2502-6038
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Religiuos moderation in Islamic education with a new paradigm translation of tafsiriyah Muhammad Thalib.
Presented at International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED) 2022, 30 Nov 2022, Malang.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The foundation of understanding the living al-Qur'an as a reinforcement of Islamic humanism in the context of civil society.
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama Sosisal dan Budaya, 6 (1).
pp. 62-75.
ISSN 2599-2473
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Maudhui's tafsir method in the Qur'an and Hadith on maqasid syariah for economic welfare in Indonesia.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy, 5 (4).
pp. 235-244.
ISSN 2655-335X
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The foundation of understanding the living al-Qur'an as a reinforcement of Islamic Humanism in the context of civil society.
Presented at International Conference on Research and Community Services, 25-26 Jun 2022, Institut KH Abdul Chalim.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Teosofi (modul pembelajaran tentang mengenal Tuhan).
Disampaikan pada mata kuliah Teosofi, Psikologi, 2022.
Zakiyah, Ermita and Solichah, Novia and Shofiah, Nurul (2022) Peta moderasi beragama untuk meningkatkan skema toleransi keberagamaan di Muallaf Center Malang. 000352777.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Maudhui's method in the Qur'an and Hadith on tafsir maqasid syariah for economic welfare in Indonesia.
Presented at AICIE: Annual International Conference on Islamic Economics, 02 Jun 2022, Madiun.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Analisis parenting Siti Aminah pada masa golden age Nabi kajian tafsir tematik ayat-ayat parenting.
Ashil: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 2 (1).
pp. 11-22.
ISSN 2776-4117
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:, Nikmah, Faridatun, Hasanatul, Fitria and Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul
Penguatan character builing melalui edukasi pubertas anak usia dasar untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pubertas secara Islami pada siswa MI Diponegoro Gurah Kediri.
Community Service Report.
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang.
Solichah, Novia and Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Perspektif baru kepribadian dalam kajian Islam dan psikologi.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-232-857-0
Mahmudah, Siti, Khoirot, Umdatul and Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The power of acceptance: Pendekatan psikologi Islam dan Barat dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-232-682-8
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Moderate Islam with the paradigm of Islamic Education through the approach of Tafsir Thematic Al-Maraghi.
Solichah, Novia, Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID: and Shofiah, Nurul
Aggressive behavior psychological and Islamic perspective.
Presented at The 2nd Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences, BIS-HSS 2020, 18 November 2020, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia, 18 Nov 2020, Magelang.
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
Karakter hukum Islam dan kajiannya dalam penafsiran al-Qur'an.
Al-' adalah: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Islam, 6 (1).
pp. 76-88.
ISSN 2503-1473
Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID: and Lutfiana, Dina
Hubungan konsep diri akademik dan self regulated learning dengan stres akademik santri dalam mengikuti pembelajaran daring.
Journal of Indonesian Psychological Science, 1 (01).
pp. 22-31.
ISSN 2828-4577
Mahmudah, Siti, Khoirot, Umdatul and Zakiyah, Ermita ORCID:
The power of acceptance: pendekatan psikologi Islam dan Barat dalam menghadapi permasalahan hidup.
UIN Maliki Press, Malang.
Mahmudah, Siti and Khoirot, Umdatul and Zakiyah, Ermita (2020) Psychological distress and acceptance (memahami masalah psikologis dan peran penerimaan dari teori Islam barat). 000231008.
Siti Mahmudah, Umdatul Khoirot, dan Ermita Zakiyah (2020) Psychological distress and acceptance (memahami masalah psikologis dan peran penerimaan dari teori Islam barat). 000231008.
Zakiyah, Ermita (2019) Integrasi psikologi Ulul Albab. 000176454.
Munir, Misbah and Zakiyah, Ermita (2017) Manajemen perubahan lembaga pendidikan Islam di era globalisasi. J-MPI (Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam), 2 (2). p. 114. ISSN 2477-4987
Zakiyah, Ermita (2013) Aspek paham Mu’tazilah dalam tafsir al-Kashshaf tentang ayat-ayat teologi: Studi pemikiran al-Zamakhshary. Masters thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
Hidayah, Rifa ORCID:, Solichah, Novia, Zakiyah, Ermita
ORCID: and Pandya, M. Fikran
Penyusunan program intervensi untuk mencegah depresi pada mahasiswa melalui terapi spiritual mindfulness.
Research Report.
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Malang.