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Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Dasar menggunakan Microsoft Word. [Video]
Moh. Mahrush Ali dan Isytifana Yaquti (2024) Film genre analysis on Nussa animated films (sertifikat hak cipta). 000594758.
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Nilai agama dalam film Sang Kiai dan Kingdom of Heaven. In: Santri Siaga Jiwa Raga. UIN Maliki Press, Malang, pp. 354-358. ISBN 978-623-232-768-9 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2022) Peluang karir sarjana sastra di era digital. Presented at Workshop Pengembangan Karir, 4 Jun 2022, Malang. (Unpublished)
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Penggunaan rumus formula pada Microsoft Excel (bagian 1). [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Penggunaan rumus formula pada Microsoft Excel (bagian 2). [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Penguatan kompetensi mahasiswa bidang perfilman. Presented at Pengembangan Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Pilihan Profesi, 21 Jan 2021, Malang. (Unpublished)
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Portrait of pesinden documentary film: role of sinden in puppet show. Gelar: Jurnal Seni Budaya, 19 (2). pp. 129-138. ISSN 26559153
Moh. Mahrush Ali (2022) Portrait of pesinden documentary film: role of sinden in puppet show (HKI). 000372073.
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2023) Strategi budaya dalam komunitas film Gresik Movie. Research Report. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang. (Unpublished)
Moh. Mahrush Ali (2023) Strategi budaya dalam komunitas film Gresik Movie (sertifikat hak cipta). 000539824.
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2023) Tracer study Fakultas Humaniora tahun 2022. Presented at Workshop Enterpreneurship Meniti Karir bagi Generasi-Z yang Ulul Albab, 6 Mar 2023, Malang. (Unpublished)
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Transgender dalam film “Salah Bodi”. Rekam: Jurnal Fotografi, Televisi, Animasi, 17 (2). pp. 147-157. ISSN 1858-3997
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Tutorial membuat daftar isi dengan mudah di Microsoft Word. [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Tutorial membuat motion graphic di Powerpoint PPT. [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2022) Tutorial menggunakan Filmora 9.0 (bagian 1). [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Tutorial penggunaan aplikasi Filmora 9.0 (bagian 2). [Video]
Ali, Moh. Mahrush (2021) Video sebagai media literasi di era digital. Presented at Lecture Series for Undergraduate Students : Media Sosial, Bisnis, dan Literasi Digital, 2021, Malang. (Unpublished)
Ali, Moh. Mahrush, Nida’unnada, Kamila and Sa’adah, Nuriyah (2022) Family representation in ali dan ratu-ratu Queens movie. Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, 24 (2). pp. 303-321. ISSN 2580-2208
Ali, Moh. Mahrush ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-1081-2363 and Saputra, Andi Taslim (2024) Eksistensi komunitas Gresik Movie terhadap budaya lokal. Jurnal Panggung Seni Budaya, 34 (2). pp. 223-241. ISSN 2502-3640
Ali, Moh. Mahrush ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-1081-2363 and Saputra, Andi Taslim (2024) Kearifan lokal dalam karya film komunitas Gresik Movie. Tanra: Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Fakultas Seni Dan Desain Universitas Negeri Makassar, 11 (1). pp. 87-99. ISSN 24076066
Ali, Moh. Mahrush and Sukanto, Sukanto (2021) Pengembangan media audio-visual pada mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI di SMAN 1 Randudongkal. Experiment: Journal of Science Education, 1 (2). pp. 44-51. ISSN 2747-206X
Ali, Moh. Mahrush and Yaquti, Isytifana (2023) Film genre analysis on Nussa animated films. Presented at The 4th Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Media (AICOLLIM 2022), 21-22 Sep 2022, Malang, Indonesia.
Moh. Mahrush Ali (2024) Film genre analysis on Nussa animated films (Sertifikat Hak Cipta). EC00202419397.
Rositama, Whida and Furaida, Asni (2021) Seong Gi Hun’s religiosity represented in Squid Game film series. Presented at The International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE 2021) home preface articles authors sessions organizers publishing information Previous Article In Volume Next Article In Volume, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2021, Malang, Indonesia.