Sahlan, Asmaun (2011) Penerapan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam Pendidikan Karakter: Studi di MA Al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang. Research Report. Puslitbang Mutu PPM Fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang. (Unpublished)
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CTL approach is a learning concept that will help teacher connect the lesson which given in the class to the real life that student faced and it also will encouraged the student make a link about the application of their knowledge in their real life as a member of family and society. Based on that concept, the result of the learning will more significant for the student.The learning process going on natural way through student activity and student experiences., and it does not seem like transfer the knowledge by the teacher to the students. The concern on this concept is that the learning strategy more important than the result of it, especially within education character in MA Al-Maarif Singosari Malang The purpose of this research was to find out, identify, and analysis about the application and connectivity of CTL method, within character education for students of MA Al-Ma arif Singosari Malang. The method that used in this research is qualitative research with case study approach by descriptive analyze. The object of this research is MA Al-Ma’arif Singosari malang. This data is got analyze use the qualitative descriptive analyze. Based on the research, showed that the result are: at first, this method was did with the direct application of the study and experiences on the field which the religion course and general course as the object study. The second, as an abstract in the economic course, that analysis of needs and then make a priority scale of it, absolutely will made student character with the low level of consumption. Then the students will more critically to face the problem, because this method concerns to adaptable the students in to real life to form the students char, cteristic. The third, CTL method gives contribution such as change of the beha /ior of the student become more positively, the student become cohesive and do the team work, the students more communicative, and more respect to each others. Beside that, CTL make the students become more active and creative for the learning process, then will make the character building of the students more faster especially for the maturity of the students.
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- Penerapan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning dalam Pendidikan Karakter: Studi di MA Al-Ma’arif Singosari Malang. (deposited 06 Sep 2016 11:12) [Currently Displayed]
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