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Amiruddin, Muhammad ORCID:, Oktavia, Reza Putri and Hidayat, Hakmi ORCID: (2023) The benefits of intermittent fasting as an alternative to medical therapy to improve health status. Journal of Islamic Medicine, 7 (2). pp. 156-162. ISSN 2550-0074

Ria Ramadhani Dwi Atmaja dan Fidia Rizkiah Inayatilah (2023) Proses percepatan penyembuhan luka insisi dengan pemberian emulgel minyak buah merah (Pandanus Conoideus Lamk.) (sertifikat hak cipta). 000553125.


Barroroh, Himmatul ORCID:, Dewi, Ayu, Hasanah, Hafidatul, Jannah, Akyunul, Dewi, Diana Candra, Fasya, A, Ghanaim, Amalia, Suci ORCID: and Maunatin, Anik (2020) Short-term Momordica charantia L. Fruit Concentrated Infusions Therapy on Alloxan-Induced Rattus norvegicus Kidney Glomerulus Cells Histology. Presented at 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology (ICONIST), 22 Oct 2018, Batu, East of Java, Indonesia.


Chasanah, Faidatul, Agustina, Wiwik ORCID:, Kartikaningtias, Chintia and Kholifah, Siti (2024) Perbedaan derajat neuropati pasien Diabetes Mellitus (DM) tipe II antara yang mendapat terapi Senam Kaki Diabetik (SKD) dengan terapi Rendaman Air Hangat (RAH) di Rumah Sakit Prima Husada Malang. Presented at Seminar Nasional Kesehatan, Sains, dan Pembelajaran.


Fidia Rizkiah Inayatilah, Ria Ramadhani Dwi Atmaja (2022) Efektivitas emulgel minyak buah merah (Pandanus Conoideus Lamk.) terhadap percepatan proses penyembuhan luka insisi (sertifikat hak cipta). 000341985.

Inayatilah, Fidia Rizkiah, Guhir, Abdul Malik and Atmaja, Ria Ramadhani Dwi (2022) The effectiveness of red fruit oil (Pandanus conoideus Lamk.) emulgel on the acceleration of the incision wound healing process. Majalah Obat Tradisional, 27 (1). pp. 58-66. ISSN 2406-9086


Listiyana, Anik ORCID: (2021) Kanker kolorektal dan terapi hebal: Kajian penelitian. 1, 1 (1). UIN Maliki Press, Indonesia. ISBN 9786232327474 Author : listiyana, anik.

Anik Listiyana dan Lina Fitria Astari (2023) Analisis mekanisme TC21, PI3K, Cyclin D dan MiRNA-504 dalam menghambat proliferasi SCC-9 cell line setelah diinduksi kombinasi ekstrak batang Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium dan Doxorubicin (sertifikat hak cipta). 000543371.

Anik Listiyana, Lina Fitria Astari, and Fidia Rizkiah Inayatilah (2022) Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun krisan putih (Chrysanthemum Cinerariifolium (Trev.)) sebagai antiinflamasi dan antiproliferatif pada tikus model kanker lidah (sertifikat hak cipta). 000408634.

Listiyana, Anik ORCID:, Kristanti, Risma Aprinda, Aishaqeena, Al Mazida Fauzil, Ahmad, Anggun Putri Maulana, Astari, Lina Fitria, Indradmojo, Christyaji and Inayatilah, Fidia Rizkiah (2023) Effect of ethanol extract from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium leaves on Ki-67 proliferation and dysplasia severity in a rat model of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Open Veterinary Journal, 13 (1). pp. 99-107. ISSN 2218-6050


Mahmudah, Rif'atul, Yulianti, Eny and Hanapi, Ahmad (2019) Pemberdayaan tanaman Moringa Oleifera Lamk. (kelor) pada masyarakat Dusun Talangsari Desa Ringinkembar Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan Kabupaten Malang. Journal of Research on Community Engagement, 1 (1). pp. 10-13. ISSN 2597-629X

Mutiah, Roihatul, Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur, Indrawijaya, Yen Yen Ari and Rahmadani, Nabila (2020) The activity of purple sweet potato leaves (Ipomea batatas Ver.) extract to calcium oxalate concentration of male rat (Rattus novergicus). Majalah Obat Tradisional, 25 (1). pp. 49-53. ISSN 1410-5918

Mutiah, Roihatul, Zuhri, Maulana Ikbar, Masudah, Lailatul and Faizati, Annisa Isyfi (2022) Fitokimia dan farmakologi tanaman empon-empon sebagai imunomodulator pada penyakit saluran pernapasan: systematic review. Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10 (1). pp. 555-569. ISSN 2339-0948


Nonon, Lidia, Arsa, Putu Sintya Arlinda, Erwanto, Erwanto and Agustina, Wiwik ORCID: (2024) The effect of back acupressure therapy in blood pressure with hypertension patients. International Journal of Patient Safety and Quality, 1 (2). ISSN 30627117


Rachmawati, Ermin ORCID:, Kinasih, Larasati Sekar and Ismail, Mahrus ORCID: (2024) Vegetables spices fermentation extract inhibit NAFLD development by attenuation of steatosis through suppression of C/EBPα and TNFα mRNA expression. Indonesian Biomedical Journal, 16 (2). pp. 189-198. ISSN 2085-3297

Rachmawati, Ermin ORCID:, Rohman, M. Saifur, Widodo, Nashi, Lukitasari, Mifetika, Nugroho, Dwi A., Hermanto, Feri and Kholis, Mukhamad N. (2023) The analysis of coffee-green tea-turmeric combination against cardiac-metabolic syndrome using metabolite profiling, gene expression, and in silico approach. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 11 (6). pp. 961-974. ISSN 0719-4250


Susanti, Nurlaili, Mustika, Arifa, Khotib, Junaidi, Mutiah, Roihatul ORCID: and Rochmanti, Maftuchah (2023) Phytochemical, metabolite compound, and antioxidant activity of Clinacanthus nutans leaf extract from Indonesia. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 38-44. ISSN 2580-4391

Susilowati, Retno ORCID: and Rohmanningrum, Ulfa Maynisa (2023) Effective combination of Nigella sativa and Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract on wound healing in diabetic mice. Jurnal Biodjati, 8 (1). pp. 106-116. ISSN 2541-4208

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