Items where Division is "Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Training > Department of Teacher Education for Islamic Primary Schools" and Year is 2021

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Abdiyah, Lathifah and Wibowo, Agus Mukti ORCID: (2021) Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis keterampilan proses untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa materi ekosistem di MI Nasyrul Ulum Bocek Karangploso Malang. Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah, 6 (1). pp. 91-104. ISSN 25276794

Abtokhi, Ahmad ORCID:, Jatmiko, Budi ORCID: and Wasis, Wasis ORCID: (2021) Evaluation of self-regulated learning on problem-solving skills in online basic Physics learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 11 (2). pp. 541-555. ISSN 2013-6374

Adji, Waluyo Satrio, Ansari, Muhammad Iqbal, Bashith, Abdul and Albar, Melani (2021) Analisis kelayakan video pembelajaran IPS jenjang MI/SD di platform Youtube pada materi keragaman Agama di Indonesia. Muallimuna: Jurnal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 6 (2). pp. 57-69. ISSN 2476-9703

Amelia, Rizki ORCID: (2021) Development of web e-scaffolding based on scientific explanation as teaching materials for primary school pre-service teachers. Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI, 8 (2). pp. 144-160. ISSN 2527-7227

Amelia, Rizki (2021) Pengembangan E-Scaffolding berbasis blended learning untuk mengembangkan scientific explanation mahasiswa. 000286212.

Amelia, Rizki ORCID: (2021) The influence of e-scaffolding in blended learning on prospective teacher's scientific explanation. Presented at Young Scholar Symposium on Science Education and Environment (YSSSEE) 2020, 22-23 September 2020, Lampung.

Amelia, Rizki ORCID:, Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: and Sugiri, Wiku Aji ORCID: (2021) Kesulitan guru sekolah dasar dalam mengembangkan desain pembelajaran online di masa pandemi Covid-19. ELSE (Elementary School Education Journal): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar, 5 (2). pp. 198-209. ISSN 2597-4122

Amelia, Rizki ORCID: and Santoso, Sandy Tegariyani Putri (2021) 21st century skills in project based learning integrated STEM on science subject: a systematic literature review. Presented at International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 31 Oct 2020, Kota Batu.

Amelia, Rizki ORCID: and Solikha, Aprilia Iswatul (2021) Executive summary representasi agama terhadap realisasi budaya di desa Clumprit. Community Service Report. Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. (Unpublished)

Azizi, Alfan Nur ORCID: (2021) Pengembangan LKS Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas 4 melalui pendekatan integrasi al-Asma' al-Husna. Elementeris: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam, 3 (2). pp. 1-15. ISSN 2655-6324


Bashith, Abdul, Adji, Waluyo Satrio and Nurdin, Arbain (2021) Trend of public emotions on social media towards study at home policies. Presented at The International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 31 Oct 2020, Malang.


Cahyati, Firda Dwi, Wibowo, Agus Mukti and Amelia, Rizki ORCID: (2021) Pengembangan aplikasi website pokok Bahasan Ekosistem di Sekolah Dasar Brawijaya Smart School. Experiment: Journal of Science Education, 1 (1). pp. 28-34. ISSN 2747-206X


Fahmi, Hisyam ORCID: and Abtokhi, Ahmad ORCID: (2021) Pendekatan metode scrum dalam pengembangan sistem pengarsipan penelitian, pengabdian, dan publikasi. LibTech: Library and Information Science Journal, 2 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2723-7605 (e.)


Makhrus, Muh., Abtokhi, Ahmad and Hidayatullah, Zul (2021) Learning case study in the pandemic Covid-19: Learning targets, needs analysis, obstacles, and solutions. Presented at ICONETOS 2020 – the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science, 31 October 2020, Malang.

Melinda, Vannisa Aviana (2021) Pengembangan multimedia interaktif berbasis virtual field trip untuk mahasiswa jurusan PGMI. 000286900.

Mufid, Abdul, Ramdhan, Tri Wahyudi, Gafur, Abd., Syaikhon, Muhammad, Ubaidilla, Aan Fardani, Asar, Fika Fitri, Nafiah, Nafiah, Ghufron, Syamsul, Hartatik, Sri, Supangat, Supangat and Fadholi, M. (2021) Secularism in France between openness and privacy: Islamophobia and identity dialogue as models. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 12 (6). pp. 6441-6450. ISSN 1309-6591

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) 10 Fakta Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Di Perguruan Tinggi. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Hubungan Negara Dan Warganegara Serta Hak Dan Kewajiban Warganegara. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Identitas Nasional dalam Karakter Bangsa. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Konsep Dasar Pembelajaran Ppkn Pada Jenjang Mi/Sd. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Pengembangan Materi PPKn pada jenjang MI/SD sesuai kompetensi abad 21. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Penilaian Pada Mapel Ppkn Jenjang MI/SD. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Pertemuan ke 5 : Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran PPKn Jenjang MI/SD. [Video]

Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Urgensi Nilai Dan Norma Dalam Konstitusi Ri. [Video]


Nasrudin, Dindin, Rochman, Chaerul, Abtokhi, Ahmad ORCID:, Suwarna, Iwan Permana and Fauziah, Melati (2021) Eichornia crassipes as handicraft materials and energy sources: A Contextual learning approach during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented at ICONETOS 2020 – the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science, 31 October 2020, Malang.

Ningrum, Dian Eka Aprilia Fitria ORCID:, Khasani, Fahim, Rosi, Rois Imron, Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: and Sugiri, Wiku Aji ORCID: (2021) Pembelajaran abad 21: interpretasi, edukasi, dan aksi. Edulitera, Malang, pp. 44-77. ISBN 978-623-6634-89-9 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.

Nuzulia, Nuril, Ghofur, Abd. and Azharona, Rikza (2021) Pengembangan bahan ajar dalam setting pendidikan inklusif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar, 14 (1). pp. 57-70. ISSN 2502-194X

Nuzulia, Nuril ORCID: and Santi, Vivy Endang Try (2021) The Development of POPSCRA book learning media based on mnemonic strategies on measurement materials to improve student learning in Grade 4 SDN Sumberkembar Mojokerto. Presented at ICONETOS 2020 – the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science, 31 October 2020, LP2M UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.


Padil, Mohammad, Miftahusyai’an, Mohammad ORCID: and Mulyoto, Galih Puji ORCID: (2021) Pendampingan pemasaran digital hasil usaha Badan Usaha Milik Desa “Selo Angon Makmur” dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Engagement : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5 (1). pp. 250-267. ISSN 2579-8375

Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: (2021) “Drive your self”: berani ambil peluang, berani menang. Presented at Seminar Pendidikan Karakter Mahasiswa Kependidikan Sekolah Dasar dan Prasekolah, 24 Nov 2021, Universitas Negeri Malang. (Unpublished)

Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: (2021) Menulis semudah bicara. Edulitera, Malang. ISBN 978-623-6146-68-2 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Rahmanto, Kelik Desta ORCID:, Iriaji, Iriaji, Rini, Denik Ristya and Prasetyo, Abdul Rahman (2021) Exploration of Malang traditional art for junior high school learning materials. Presented at International Conference on Art, Design, Education and Cultural Studies (ICADECS), 2021, Malang.

Rosi, Rois Imron (2021) Knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) survey on online learning among university students in Malang. Presented at International conference on Islamic education “sustainable education transformation in the disruptive era”, 15 Nov 2021, Malang.

Rosi, Rois Imron and Afandi, Mahrus (2021) Optimalisasi pembelajaran sains di sekolah-sekolah Islam melalui modul terintegrasi studi di MTs Attaraqqie Malang dan SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Batu. In: Agama, Sains, dan Pendidikan. Amongkarta, pp. 110-150. ISBN 978-623-303-681-8 UNSPECIFIED : UNSPECIFIED.


Setyaningrum, Sulis Ikha (2021) Tari UMMI. [Video]

Sholeh, Ahmad (2021) Kontribusi profesionalisme guru kelas dan minat baca siswa dalam meningkatkan prestasi hasil pembelajaran tematik integratif. Edukatif : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3 (3). pp. 777-784. ISSN 2656-8071

Subagyo, Luthfia Aldila Arsy and Ningrum, Dian Eka Aprilia Fitria ORCID: (2021) Upaya meningkatkan pengelolaan sampah melalui pendekatan kontekstual. Jurnal Biolokus: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Biologi dan Biologi, 4 (2). pp. 128-135. ISSN 2621-3702

Sugiri, Wiku Aji ORCID:, Amelia, Rizki ORCID:, Wibowo, Agus Mukti ORCID: and Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: (2021) Design of distance learning with assure model in the program of "kuliah kerja mengabdi" during the covid-19 era. Presented at International conference on Islamic education “sustainable education transformation in the disruptive era”, 15 Nov 2021, Malang.


Walid, Muhammad and Uyun, Fitratul (2021) Model Pendidikan Karakter Mahasiswa Pada Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Berasrama Di Indonesia. 081555882281.

Wibowo, Agus Mukti and Amelia, Rizki ORCID: (2021) Pembelajaran sains integratif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman materi nutrisi dan gizi. Al Mudarris: Journal of Education, 4 (1). pp. 40-52.

Wibowo, Agus Mukti, Amelia, Rizki ORCID:, Sugiri, Wiku Aji ORCID: and Priatmoko, Sigit ORCID: (2021) How struggle primary preservice teachers define ethnoscience? Presented at International conference on Islamic education “sustainable education transformation in the disruptive era”, 15 Nov 2021, Malang.


Yaqien, Nurul, Sholeh, Ahmad and Ghofur, Abdul (2021) Manajemen mutu pengembangan lembaga pendidikan Islam. J-MPI (Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam), 6 (1). pp. 29-39. ISSN 2477-6467

Yaqin, Mohamad Zubad Nurul ORCID: (2021) Integrasi nilai-nilai keislaman dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia MI sebagai penguat karakter siswa di era 5.0. Presented at Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru MI di Era 5.0, 24 Nov 2021, Malang.

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